Thursday, July 14, 2022


 July 2022

Interviewer: Hello everyone, welcome to Buoyant magazine – this exclusive interview with James. James, I hear you’re into sport, what got you into sport?

James: What got me into sport was my dad, because he’s big into his cricket, which really got me playing cricket. We all started then going to Bridlington. We played a bit of cricket on the beach and that just triggered something. I just really wanted to play from then on.

Interviewer: I take it your favourite sport is cricket?

James: That is my favourite sport, yes.

Interviewer: Do you think athletes are overprepared for sports?

James: I think if you’re overprepared for a sport, you’ve got to do something like injure yourself. I think you need to just have at a certain point where you’re just ready.

Interviewer: What do you do to relax?

James: So, mainly after a cricket weekend, I still have to exercise because that just gets my mind out of the pressure. It kind of slips out of the cricket mindset to just relax.

Interviewer: That’s it today for Buoyant. If you want to find out more about James and his amazing cricket career, come back for more.   

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

website research espn


ESPN is a sport website that gives the audience up to date information on the sport. ESPN has every sport news on there websites. ESPN website uses synergy to the magazine by always having the main story at the top. The top is very similar with the same colour and most of the context headings are the same however there is more headings on the website. All of the sport news is on the side where you it sends you to just that sport when you click on it. 


research of websites


Final Issue 1 & 2 front cover and contents: Bouyant

  Website for Buoyant: home page and link page                                           Here is the hyperlink. Home | Buoyant (racerprince5...